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News from The Brewers

Festive events from The Friends
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Festive events from The Friends

What is happening over Xmas or "Events dear boy, events!"

There is a busy social programme over the Xmas/New Year period.

Saturday 7th December: From 12:00 noon until 21:00 there is a Christmas Market in the Armpit. Full details of the stalls are in the poster attached to this news item below. Bring CASH

Saturday 21st December: At 20:30 West Malvern Voices will be singing a few Carols and then leading a general sing along from the assembled throng. Come along both to support and get yourselves in a festive mood. No money shall exchange hands. Beer, Yes please!

Tuesday 24th December: at 13:00 West Malvern Mummers Players will perform on the Pyramid Stage out at the front of the pub. See poster attached to this news item below. Bring CASH

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